Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Exercise 3 - Lets start COOKING!!

At last, all ingredients are found and identified! Chef Fahim feels so exuberant now!! What are we waiting for?? Lets start COOKING!!!!!! Ho! Ho! Ho!

Write a sentence of 5 words and more describing the picture on the left and the adjectives in the bracket.

1) Lady Gaga _________________________________ (enthusiastic)

 2) I-phone __________________________________ (expensive)

3) Langkawi __________________________________ (beautiful)

4) Chef Fahim _______________________________ (adorable)

5) __________________________________ (This)

and DINNER is served!!!!!!!! GOOD JOB!!!!


  1. Wow, I like this game. It is fun and full of animations.

  2. Did I mention that this exercise makes me hungry. Haha..
