Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Exercise 3 - Lets start COOKING!!

At last, all ingredients are found and identified! Chef Fahim feels so exuberant now!! What are we waiting for?? Lets start COOKING!!!!!! Ho! Ho! Ho!

Write a sentence of 5 words and more describing the picture on the left and the adjectives in the bracket.

1) Lady Gaga _________________________________ (enthusiastic)

 2) I-phone __________________________________ (expensive)

3) Langkawi __________________________________ (beautiful)

4) Chef Fahim _______________________________ (adorable)

5) __________________________________ (This)

and DINNER is served!!!!!!!! GOOD JOB!!!!

Exercise 2 - Identify the appropriate 'ingredients'

A good cook must also know which ingredient is suitable for which type of food. Can you help me to identify these ingredients? I'm quite busy handling the restaurant that I need aspiring cook like you to assist me. Please???

1) Paste your answers in the comment box. Is it a NOUN or an ADJECTIVE ? 
Tidy - _________     Table - ________    Shark - ________         
Round - _________  Red - ________       Smelly - _______       
Uncle - ________     England - ________  English - ______
Last - ________       Purple - ________     Which - ________
loving - ________     Human - ________ Tremendous -_______
Intelligent - _______  Superb - ________    Bean - ________

Have you identified the ingredients???? THANK YOU so much for helping me!!!! 
click here

Exercise 1 - Locate the 'ingredients'

OH NO!!!!! some of the ingredients are mixed up in the box below. Can you help me???? please???
1) Copy this exercise and paste it in a word processor (i.e microsoft word)
2) Find these words in the box below by making a line across the answers.
3) Save your answers and send it to my email ( I will personally check your answers. (here you are learning about emails, attachments and word processor as well!!!)
across - important, friendly, yummy, thin, black, many, wet
down - bitter, happy, rude, fat, funny, hot, one, dirty, new, light, fast, young. 

Thanks for your help on the ingredients. Now I have everything in my kitchen. We can start cooking!! click here